The Entrepreneur Program of Deutsche Private Equity
We support entrepreneurial managers who want to develop into independent entrepreneurs. To this end, we have created a dedicated Entrepreneur Program.
Nils Bennemann, Partner at Deutsche Private Equity, takes care of your entrepreneurial ideas and ambitions with a great deal of empathy and interest.
Do you ever think, “if I had a strong partner and enough capital…
…then I could build a really strong player in my fragmented industry! I know the sector inside out, have direct access to many of the relevant companies through my network, and the industry is just waiting to be consolidated."
…then I could take over the company where I work from the founder himself instead of being sold to someone else as part of a succession solution! I already know what I would do differently to take the company forward."
…then I could buy the division I manage out of the Group. The priorities here are on the other activities anyway, and with a little focus and capital, you could turn my division into a really exciting company."
…then I would immediately try to buy company X/Y/Z. I’ve known the industry for years and would know exactly what I would have to change to make the company more successful."
For entrepreneurial managers like you, we have set up a dedicated Entrepreneur Program to provide you with the necessary capital and know-how.
If your entrepreneurial ideas and ambitions match our Strategy and our Investment focus , please get in touch with Nils Bennemann.